Piranha - Loja de Música
Tlf: 226091004
2ª a 6ª: 11:00 - 20:30 horas
Sábados: 11:00 - 13:00 | 14:30 - 20:00 horas
Domingos e Feriados: 15:00 - 19:00 horas

E-mail: piranhacd@gmail.com

C. C. Parque Itália, Loja 73 - 1°
Rua Júlio Diniz, n° 752
4050-012 Porto

 ( 0 )   Artigos|  Total: 0 €   

Discografia LACRIMOSA
Titulo Formato Preço  
Alleine zu zweit (mcd) Cd 7,98€ Acrescentar
Alles luge (mcd) Cd 7,48€ Acrescentar
Angst Cd 15,96€ Acrescentar
Clips 93/95 VHS 17,96€ Acrescentar
Der Morgen Danach (digipack) Cd-single 8,98€ Acrescentar
Durch Nacht und Flut (ed. Lda.) Cd Digipack 10€ Acrescentar
Echos Cd Digipack 17,50€ Acrescentar
Einsamkeit Cd 15,96€ Acrescentar
Elodia Cd 16,46€ Acrescentar
Fassade Cd 17,46€ Acrescentar
Hoffnung Cd 17,50€ Acrescentar
Inferno Cd 16,46€ Acrescentar
Lichtgestalt [ENHANCED] Cd 17,50€ Acrescentar
Lichtgestalten Ep Cd Digipack 12,50€ Acrescentar
Lichtjahre DVD 25€ Acrescentar
Lichtjahre (Limited Edition) 2Cd 25€ Acrescentar
Live 2Cd 20,95€ Acrescentar
Live In Mexico City (Ed. Lda Box) 2Cd + DVD 25€ Acrescentar
Musikkurzfilme DVD 22,50€ Acrescentar
REVOLUTION Cd 17,50€ Acrescentar
Satura Cd 15,96€ Acrescentar
Schattenspiel (Ed. Lda) 2Cd 25€ Acrescentar
Sehnsucht (Ed. Lda) Cd Digipack 20€ Acrescentar
Silent Clips VHS 19,45€ Acrescentar
Stille Cd 16,46€ Acrescentar
Testimonium (Ed. Lda) Cd Digipack 18€ Acrescentar
The Live History VHS 20,95€ Acrescentar
The live history DVD 22,45€ Acrescentar
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@2021 | Piranha - Loja de Música.